The C.I.P.A. Its primary task is the training and improvement of civil servants, both in the regional and local administration. The Institute's website aims to keep public employees informed of the training activities they carry out.
The CanarY Institute of Equality is the organism that promotes equal opportunities policies for women and men of the Government of the Canary Islands. This implies promoting the incorporation of the gender perspective in a transversal way in the set of policies that are developed in the scope of the Autonomous Community, the development of specific programs that compensate situations of inequality and the elimination of all kinds of discrimination due to sex reason.
The Municipal Institute for Employment and Training is an autonomous organization of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council, created in order to integrate all the actions in the field of employment, training, economic development and social cohesion that affect our city.
The CIHSSS has established itself as the benchmark instrument in the Canary Islands for training and research of professionals in this field, with the objective that the entire population of the Autonomous Community identify it as the platform that responds to training needs that exist in the social and health fields.
The General Council of the Judiciary is a constitutional, collegiate, autonomous body, made up of judges and other jurists, which exercises government functions of the Judiciary with the aim of guaranteeing the independence of judges in the exercise of the judicial function before all.
The Ombudsman (defensor del pueblo) is the High Commissioner of the Cortes Generales in charge of defending the fundamental rights and public liberties of citizens by supervising the activity of public administrations.
The Public Prosecutor exercises its functions through its own bodies in accordance with the principles of unity of action and hierarchical dependency and subject, in any case, to those of legality and impartiality.
The Constitutional Court, which its regulatory law defines as the "supreme interpreter of the Constitution" (art. 1 LOTC), is entrusted with very important functions of controlling the constitutionality of laws, protecting the fundamental rights and public liberties of citizens and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction between the State and the Autonomous Communities (art. 161 CE).
The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Gran Canaria is a public law corporation with legal personality and full capacity to act for the fulfillment of its purposes, which are configured as consultative and collaborative bodies with the Public Administrations, without detriment of the private interests they pursue. Its structure and operation are democratic.
After several years of continuous corporate progress, in July 2010 the new portal of the Lanzarote Bar Association was launched. In this way, an old aspiration of this Association is fulfilled, which involves turning this website into a true center of communication between members.
Las Palmas lawyer’s Association opens its new window to the Internet to all those Internet users who, being lawyers or simply citizens, wish, through the almost infinite possibilities provided by new technologies, to learn about the work and services provided by this institution founded by Royal Decree of Carlos III in the year 1766.
More than a century and a half have passed since the Foundation of the Illustrious Bar Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, when a group of Lawyers whose activity was projected in the most diverse directions joined enthusiasm and effort to create this illustrious house.
People interested in developing the activity of Property Administration in our province, have all the necessary information about the professional activity and the requirements to join.
In this web portal you can find all the general information about the College and about the profession, activities and calls, training, employment, work groups and news of interest.
The College of Physicians of Las Palmas brings together doctors from the islands of Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, with a physical office on each of the islands.
This College is a Public Law Corporation, founded in 1898, which associates and represents the Doctors of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to ensure the proper practice of the profession, advise the Public Authorities on matters within their competence and Defend the professional rights of Physicians.
The Illustrious Official College of Psychology of Las Palmas (COPLP) is a Public Law Corporation recognized by the State and the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. Created as a delegation in 1980 and constituted as a Professional College in 2000, it is governed by its own Statutes (BOC 2008/201). It groups and represents all graduates and doctors in Psychology who practice the profession.
It is a business association, private in nature and with entirely private participation that includes, on a voluntary basis, business associations and private companies from all sectors of activity and size. It has managed to represent, by meeting the audience criteria established in the Sixth Additional Provision of the Workers' Statute, the general interests of employers in the territorial area of the Canary Islands.
ACADE's purpose is the defense and promotion of non-subsidized private education, based on the recognition of this right both by the Spanish Constitution and by various international agreements, as well as by the Declaration of Human Rights.
Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge, assessing and certifying the English language for almost 100 years.
Cambridge English Language Assessment contributed to the development of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its examinations are suitable for levels established there.
The Spanish Confederation of Training Companies (CECAP) is the representative business organization in Spain of the Non-Regulated Education Sector. The educational centers associated with CECAP are grouped into Member Organizations of the Confederation, with implementation in all the Autonomous Communities.
The State Agency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third in Europe.
The Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) intends as a fundamental objective to guarantee in an institutional way the presence of Christians with a teaching and evangelizing vocation in the university, scientific and cultural world of our time, with the desire to provide a valid instrument that responds from Faith to the great problems and questions of contemporary society, deeply rooted in Christianity and thereby contributing to its cultural, social and human development and progress.
The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is an institution with a long history and wide social recognition that aspires to be among the leading universities in Europe and to consolidate itself as a reference center for the Latin American continent.
The Isabel I University is an online and blended educational institution, with an academic offer that is fully valid in the European Higher Education Area (EES). The university has its own techno-pedagogical design and technological platform, which places the institution at the forefront of education, and in which the student is at the center of the learning process and is the one who decides when, where and how they want to Develop your training experience.
With a dropout rate of 11%, four times lower than the rest of the distance universities in Spain and a job placement rate of undergraduate students of 80% and 90% of master's students, the Isabel I University is located among the best Spanish distance universities.
The University of La Laguna has exercised an important role of educational, scientific and cultural leadership in the Canary Islands during its two centuries of history, promoting the progress of our community and contributing decisively to its modernization.
The ULPGC was founded in 1989, and despite its youth, in a few years it has managed to position itself as one of the main Spanish universities, standing out in the use of new technologies, in research related to the marine and maritime fields, in programs international mobility and its close involvement with local society, with healthy finances and high scientific productivity.
The UNED is the largest university in Spain, with its more than 250,000 students who are studying their official degrees (27 degrees, 65 university master's degrees, 18 doctoral programs) or its more than 600 permanent training courses. From the headquarters and from the associated centers, they strive to support every day the meritorious progress of their students towards the goal of their training.
The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) is a private Spanish university of online education, with headquarters in Logroño and presence in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In mid-2020 it had more than 48,000 students in official studies, of which more than 17,000 are international. UNIR has more than 108 official Bachelor's and Master's degrees endorsed by ANECA, 84 own titles and advanced studies and 3 doctoral programs in its faculties of Education, Business and Communication, Law, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Health Sciences; as well as in its Higher School of Engineering and Technology, its Language School and its Doctoral School.
The Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA) is the first private online university in Spain. Recognized in Law 1/2006, of June 14 of the Community of Madrid. Together with the CEF.- Center for Financial Studies, it forms the CEF.- UDIMA Educational Group. It is the CEF.-, an institution created in 1977 and with the endorsement of more than 500,000 former students, the embryo of the UDIMA.
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