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The new building of ICSE Las Palmas presents advanced characteristics for its time, trying to set trends and trasmit the values that it exemplifies: sustainabilty, environment, integration, accessibility, equality… For this purpose it is based on a series of properties and particularities that make it an unique construction in the Canary Islands.
The building has more than 5500 m2 of constructed area. The idiosyncrasy of the company must be reflected in each of its corners. Four basic precepts have been the ones that have guided the decision-making in the construction process:
Specified in the maximum energy rating, being the only building in the Canary Islands that has the A RATING, according to the parameters of Royal Decree 235/2013 by which the Energy Certification of Buildings is approved. The LEED PLATINUM Rating Category is chosen, pending approval by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
Of the building, both in terms of climate, lighting and access control, including external slats with "sunflower effect" that move according to the lighting conditions. This minimizes the possible malfunction of the center due to human interaction.
Since its origen, the center has been designed so that anyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can Access to any part of it and enjoy its facilities.
All the centre's facilities are designed based on non-discrimination or segregation based on gender.
The amazing location of the Building makes immediate communication possible from any part of the island. Just 500 meters away, equivalent to 6 minutes on foot, is the Parque Santa Catalina interchange, which has connections, by bus, with the airport, the center and the south of the island.
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